Sunday, 22 November 2009

Where are they now?

Today its all about jumpers and couches....

I was at my first masterclass for the NTS exchange project today. It was exploring techniques for devising theatre and was led by Vicky Featherstone, the artistic director of NTS. I got a lot out of it and as always was amazed at the Electric Kids and how they're not afraid to put themselves out there. They're also not afraid to dislike something and are quite vocal about it which quite often gets them in trouble. I encourage it though. I think its important to be honest.

At one point today we had to work in small groups to devise an exercise that devised theatre could be created from. We created an exercise where the participants were lost objects desperate to get down the back of the couch to the lost object institution. But first they had to be interviewed by the couches receptionists who decided whether they could enter or not. Participants could be objects, x factor rejects, thoughts, anything they wanted. It resulted in the most fabulously, ridiculously fun exercise. I loved it! I'll definitly be visiting the couch soon...

I've been lovin jumpers today. I had my stag one on, Chloe had a panda one, there was a girl with a really good one from the jewish market. Its a good word, the more you say it the funnier it gets. Or it did for us today. Jumper jumper jumper.... couch!

H x

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